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Putnam County ESC


124 Putnam Parkway
Ottawa, OH 45875
419-523-5951                                                                                                          Fax: 419-523-6126 



Summer School

2024 Summer School

Welcome to the Putnam County Summer School. The links below contain information about our Summer School program. Students will need to register online and deliver the payment to the Putnam County Educational Service Center. Orientation will be on May 30, 2024. The student and at least 1 parent/guardian will be required to attend one virtual orientation session. Coursework will begin May 30 and end June 30, 2024. 

High School Information Forms

Middle School Information Forms


The following are the online registration for the High School and Middle School students. No registration will be complete without a payment. After the registration is complete, you will receive an email with orientation, login information, username/password, open lab times and other information for Summer School 2024. 

High School Registration

Middle School Registration


To complete the registration, please deliver either a check, cash or money order to:

Putnam County Educational Service Center

Attention: Gary Herman

124 Putnam Parkway, Ottawa, OH 45875.

When delivering the payment, please write the student's name on the check/money order.


Open Lab Information

The following are the times, subjects for Open Lab. 


Every Monday-Thursday


                            1:00-2:00pm                                                                                                5:00-6:00pm

      Monday-Miss Trampe-Kindt (English)                                                       Monday-Mr. Odenweller (Social Studies)

       Tuesday-Miss Muhlenkamp (Math)                                                          Tuesday-Mrs. Jones (Science)

       Wednesday-Mr. Odenweller (Social Studies)                                           Wednesday-Miss Muhlenkamp(Math)

      Thursday-Mrs. Jones (Science)                                                                     Thursday- Miss Trampe-Kindt (English)