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Putnam County ESC


124 Putnam Parkway
Ottawa, OH 45875
419-523-5951                         Fax: 419-523-6126 



Putnam County Schools Insurance Group

The Putnam County Schools Insurance Group (PCSIG) was organized in 1991.  Our members consist of :  Columbus Grove, Continental, Ft. Jennings, Kalida, Leipsic, Miller City-New Cleveland, Ottawa-Glandorf, Ottoville, Pandora-Gilboa, The Putnam County ESC, and The Putnam County Board of Developmental Disabilities.  The PCSIG adopted bylaws state that each member shall be represented on the Board of Directors.  The Governing Board of each member shall appoint its Superintendent to be a representative on the Board of Directors.   

The PCSIG Board throughout the year.   The meeting dates for 24-25 school year: August 13, September 24, October 22, December 6 at 8:30 am, January 28, February 25, March 25, April 22 and June 7 at 8:30 am. 

Transparency in Coverage Rule Requires Rate Information to be posted to members and non-members.  MMO has provided the following link to meet this requirement.