School Psychology
The Putnam County Educational Service Center's School Psychology Department serves the nine school districts in Putnam County, Ohio. Our team of school psychologists are uniquely qualified members of school multidisciplinary team.
When a student is referred for assessment through the IAT (Intervention Assistance Team) process, our school psychologists work with the individual student (grades preschool through 12th) to assess strengths and weaknesses, identify potential barriers to learning, and make recommendations for strategies to improve student progress and outcomes. Our school psychologists provide direct support and planning to the classrooms with school-based and home-based intervention strategies. They also work with school administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies, and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services, while applying expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.
School Psychology Staff
Beth Wolke
School Psychologist
419-523-5951 ext. 3017
Jan Powell
School Psychologist
419-523-5951 ext. 3018
Dan VonderEmbse
School Psychologist
419-523-5951 ext. 3019
Nikki Hartman
School Psychologist Administrative Assistant
419-523-5951 ext 3016
Alexis Ellerbrock
Assistant to the School Psychology Department
419-523-5951 ext. 3041
Cassie Schroeder
Assistant to the School Psychology Department/Early Intervention Service Coordinator
419-523-5951 ext. 3040